Played for England 1966-69 (Captain 1969)
Coach of England 1983-85
The AAs were a fundamental part of my rugby experience, a wonderful vehicle for sharing the joy of the game with friend and foe alike.
Coach of England 2011-15
I was very fortunate to play for the Anti Assassins a few times during my time as a player, with the highlight being the tour to Hong Kong and Australia.
As the game went professional the game started to drift away from representative rugby into leagues and more structured club games and it was around that time that the Anti Assassins stepped into their own. They provided that bridge for players to play alongside other players who they wouldn’t ordinarily get the opportunity to play with, in an environment of fun and enjoyment coupled with a great social afterwards.
Every player who went on that tour will still have it as an undoubted highlight of their career, there were so many memories made and friendships formed, it is hard to put a value on that and the Anti Assassins deserve tremendous credit for giving us all that opportunity. They are a force for good in the game and they often work alongside charity partners and play games in support of many people. I for one, hope that they can continue that work and provide the players of today opportunities we had when we were enjoying the game ourselves.
I currently play in the back row for Firwood Waterloo FC, having been captain for three seasons.
The A-As has a massive history and record in the North of England, with numerous famous players having worn the jersey in the past. The club has given me the opportunity to play in some amazing invitation games at places I would not usually get the chance to visit.
I am currently Head Coach at Blackburn RUFC and still playing. My previous clubs have been Fylde, Clifton, Plymouth, London Welsh and Bristol.
I have played for the A-As on numerous occasions including matches against Sedbergh, Cambridge University, Lancashire Royals and the Ibiza Tens. The A-As provides an opportunity to be able to play rugby without the pressure of a result. Although the matches are normally very competitive, it is a chance to meet up with mates and enjoy a day playing rugby with some socialising after. Or in the case of Ibiza, five days socialising and some rugby after!
Website designed by Fiona Gardiner & sponsored by Andrew Gardiner in memory of his father, the late John Gardiner
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