Don't forget the fixture on Saturday, 28t December against the Lancashire Royals, it would be great to see you all supporting the AAs and catching up with old friends xx
Philip’s funeral will be held at noon on the 24th September at St Michael's, Kingsland, Leominster HR6 9QW.
His family’s address in case you don’t have it is:-
Mrs J (Joan) Tredwell
Stoke Prior
The AAs are playing against the North Wales Barbarians on the 17th of April, 2024, at Birkenhead Park FC, 141 Park Road North, Birkenhead, CH41 8AA.
Kick Off: TBC
The next AAs game is on Wednesday, 27th December at Leigh RUFC, Round Ash Park, Leigh, WN7 3NA.
Kick off at 2pm.
It would be great to see you come and support them
It is with great sadness that we report that Phil Moss passed away on the 14th of August in Wigan Infirmary. He had open heart surgery a week earlier but suffered a massive heart attack whilst in ICU.
He was a valuable player in the vintage Orrell and Lancashire teams. He was also a loyal member of the Anti-Assassins, going on several tours.
Phil in action playing for Lancashire.
It is with great sadness that we report that Sue Gardiner passed away on 21st April 2023.
As well as being the wife of former Chairman of the A-As, John, she was the first lady President of Sale FC. Sue also accompanied John on several tours when he was Manager and she played a key role in fundraising and general organisation.
St Bartholomews Chuch , Wilmslow was packed on Mon 15th May for a Memorial Service to remember a very special lady. Her son Andrew, the current Treasurer of the A-As, gave a lovely tribute. Amongst the congregation were the following A-As' tourists - Jason Ashcroft, Jon Eagle, Peter Hughes, John Little, Guy Parker and Phil Stansfield. May she Rest in Peace, united again with John. Thank you Sue for all you did for the A-As.
Peter Hughes (President A-As RUFC)
Friday 9th & Saturday 10th June 2023 - Leeds Jungle Sevens at West Leeds Bramhope. James B has entered a squad for the social section of this competition. More details can be found on the Leeds Jungle Sevens website. The password is Anti-Assassins.
John Greenwood will be assembling the squad.
Wednesday, 9th April 2023 - Cheshire Harvesters v A-As at Birkenhead Park. This has unfortunately had to be cancelled because Park are involved with the recently advised RFU Papa Jacks Community Cup/Trophy Competition.
John Greenwood hopes to arrange a suitable date for next season.
Monday, 17th April 2023. The Committee Meeting will be held by Zoom. Paul Weare will send the joining instructions and agenda nearer the date.
This match will be played on the 27th December 2022, please see details below.
Match: AAs -v- The Lancashire Royals
Date: Tuesday, 27th December 2022
Ticket: Required
Kick off: 2pm
Venue: West Park RFC, Prescott Road, St Helens, WA10 3AG
It would be good to see you all supporting the Anti Assassins.
Best Wishes
My wife Sue and I wish you and your families all the above. Let’s hope that we all steer clear of the dreaded Covid virus and its several variants.
Old Sedberghians’ Match
This traditional match was played at Sedbergh School on Sunday 19th September. It was a most entertaining game with the Old Sedberghians beating the A-As 46-17. The lunch pre-match was in memory of Henry Foster, an Old Sedberghian, who tragically had recently passed away and was attended by his parents and sister. After the match, Mr and Mrs Foster presented the Henry Foster Trophy to the winning side – the Old Sedberghians. The trophy is to be played for annually. One of the highlights of the game was the 15 man line out by the A-As, which resulted in a penalty try for the A-As!!
Cheshire Harvesters’ Match .
This will be played at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club on the evening of Wednesday 20th April. Further details will appear on the A-As’ website nearer the date –
The tour to the Bahamas had been confirmed by A-A Adam Waterhouse and will be in May/June 2023 as currently domestic rugby in the Bahamas is in abeyance due to Covid. John Greenwood is investigating a tour to somewhere in Europe for this summer. Further details will be circulated nearer the date.
A second highly successful lunch was again held at the St James Club, Manchester on Friday 12th November. It was attended by 30 members and their guests who enjoyed exchanging memories of past tours. It was a most convivial occasion organised by Andrew Gardiner, ably assisted by his sister Fiona.
Should your details change, or you have any news or views, we would be pleased to hear from you. It is our intention that this very special club continues to go from strength to strength.
We are always willing to consider any requests for special one-off fixtures such as anniversaries, ground openings or memorial matches.
To Cap it All!
26 England referees, including 6 ladies, who are still alive and have refereed a match between two Tier One Countries, were recently awarded our International Caps. 23 of us gathered, with our partners, in the Members' Lounge at Twickenham on Tuesday 16th November for the presentation by the President of the RFU, Jeff Blackett. I was rather concerned to be the oldest referee present, having refereed my first International back in 1977!! I was just sorry that fellow Manchester Society Internationals Alan Welsby and Colin High were not still alive to receive their honours. The formalities were followed by a generous buffet lunch and exchange of many memories, prompted by a copious supply of prosecco.
President: Peter Hughes – 01772 623934 (H) & 07771 711405 (M)
Secretary: Paul Weare – 0151 531 8187 (H) & 07739 042930 (M)
To the A-As' Committee & Supporters
It is regrettable, but not surprising, that John Greenwood and Howard Hughes, Lancashire County RFU Team Secretary, have agreed to cancel the Lancashire Royals v A-As' match on Mon 27th December at West Park, St Helens RUFC. This is as a result of the increasing incidence of Covid cases and advice received from the RFU.
I would like to thank John Greenwood for all his efforts in raising a squad of 30 players from 15 different clubs.
It is hoped that the match will be played on Sun 27th March which is a free weekend for clubs at Level 5 and below.
Further details will appear on the A-As' website.
Please see details of the next AAs game against Lancashire Royals on the 27th December 2021. Anyone wishing to play, should contact John Greenwood at
Something to look forward - a date for your diaries! AAs Lunch, Friday 12th November 2021. Please RSVP to by the 9th November 2021. Once emailed, payment instructions will be sent to you, followed by your invite. It would be good to see you all.
Old Sedberghians v Anti-Assassins Lunch - Sunday 10th October 2021
The rearranged fixture against Old Sedberghians will now take place on Sunday, 10th October 2021 at Sedbergh School, Station Road, L10 5HG. Kick off will be at 15:00.
Beforehand, there will be prematch drinks at 12:15 and lunch at 12:45. There will be a donation of £15:00 per person, payable by BACS to Anti-Assassins RUFC (Sort Code:30-11-48, Account Number:00421086) in advance, if you wish to attend.
All replies of your payment and attendance to Phil Mahon please on his mobile: 07712546173 or via:
It was with great anticipation that a small band of the Anti-Assassins' family finally met up again in Manchester on Friday 2nd July.
We are grateful to Fiona and Andrew Gardiner who kindly organised the occasion and those who were brave enough to face the journey there, clad in a face-mask, arrived in good spirits ready to enjoy something of a relaunch lunch.
It was wonderful to be reunited with old friends, and lovely to meet some new, as we all enjoyed the convivial atmosphere at the St James’ Club.
After a short catch up at the bar we were seated, in a socially distanced fashion, and enjoyed a very delicious menu. Asparagus Wrapped in Parma Ham, Lemon and Parmesan Crusted Supreme of Salmon and an excellent cheese board were all washed down with copious quantities of wine. Members were generous buying raffle tickets although the prizes of a Bottle of Whisky and Double Pack of Champagne, needless to say, did not get out of the building!!
Our President Peter Hughes spoke warmly in welcoming us all back and with enthusiasm about the forthcoming season, the three games whch have so far been arranged and the proposed tour to the Bahamas.
Everyone attending suggested they would like to meet up again soon so we are hoping we can have just as much rugby related fun, reminiscing and laughing heartily, sometime in the near future.
Watch this space for details …
Gill Burns - Vice President
Website designed by Fiona Gardiner & sponsored by Andrew Gardiner in memory of his father, the late John Gardiner
Copyright © 2020 Anti-Assassins RUFC - All Rights Reserved